
Ukraine will ask the Venice Commission to respond to the “shameful bill” of the Russian Federation on the annexation of the territories of other countries

Gross violation of the standards of international and constitutional law.

Ukraine will ask the Venice Commission to respond to

The Verkhovna Rada intends to turn to the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe with a request to react to the bill submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the possibility of joining the Russian territory of parts of other countries. This was reported by the representative of the Verkhovna Rada in the Constitutional Court, committee member Olga Sovgyria (Servant of the People faction).

“The Legal Policy Committee plans to initiate an appeal to the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe in the near future regarding the shameful draft law submitted to the Russian State Duma the other day. We will ask the Council of Europe to respond to Russia's intentions to change the rules for accepting new territories into Russia, as those that grossly contradict the generally recognized standards of international and constitutional law,” she noted.

As a reminder, this draft law proposes to add to the law “On the procedure for admission to the Russian Federation and the formation of a new subject of the Russian Federation within it” the norm according to which “admission to the Russian Federation as a new subject of a foreign state or its part is carried out taking into account division by majority citizens of a foreign state or part of the culture of the Russian Federation as a unique heritage of its multinational people.” or its parts), which wants to become part of the Russian Federation.

Let us also recall that four days before the start of the war, French President Emmanuel Macron had a telephone conversation with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, during which he was impressed by the legal ignorance of the head of the Russian Federation.

“I don't know where your lawyer studied law” , – Macron did not hold back span> after listening to Putin.

Empire lives as long as it expands. Read about it in the article by Professor Georgy Pocheptsov – “Peace is like war, and war is like peace”.

Source: ZN

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