
Ukrainians began to receive incorrect payments for gas: “Naftogaz” found the reason and advises to complain to the NCRECP

Apparently, this started to happen after “Naftogaz” captured most of the consumers in Ukraine.

Ukrainians began to receive incorrect payments for gas: < p style="text-align: justify;">GC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” declares a trend of the last few months, when Ukrainians who became clients of the company began to receive payments with incorrect indications. This is stated on the Facebook page of “Naftogaz”. other indications. Unfortunately, this has been happening for several months in a row,” the company admitted.

As it follows from the explanation, regional gas companies, which deliver gas to Ukrainians from Naftogaz, for some reason began to ignore meter readings sent on time.

Naftogaz did not explain the reasons for the strange behavior of regional gas companies , which, as can be seen from the explanation, did not always last.

But they gave several tips, including writing complaints to the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the energy sector and communal services.

What should Ukrainians do in this situation according to the advice of Naftogaz:

  • Apply to your regional gas company with an official written request and a demand to provide an explanation why the meter readings you provided were recorded incorrectly and where the amount indicated in the bills came from.
  • Apply to the NCRECP not only with a complaint about a violation by the operator of the timing system (oblgaz), but also with a request to check it for compliance with license conditions.
  • When transmitting meter readings, record it in a photo or video, take screenshots in your personal account or chatbot.

Contacts of the NCRECP can be found at the link.

GC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” also recommends paying according to the fact of accrual, and if you have “zero” again, make an overpayment.

Let us remind you that the unspoken conflict between Naftogaz and other participants in the residential gas supply market began after 98% of all consumers were transferred to the state companyin Ukraine.

Gazzbuti complained that they were not warned about this in time, that in fact they did not have any problems with gas supplies to the population etc.

Subsequently “Naftogaz” admitted that it received customers late, due to which many Ukrainians had already managed to pay for gas to the previous supplier, and some cannot return this money to this day.

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Source: ZN

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