
Ukrposhta will issue a new stamp on “Russian warship”

The sheet will be called “Russian warship… EVERYTHING!” and will also include coupons with the image of the first brand.

Ukrposhta will release new stamp on

Ukrposhta announced that in May it will issue a new postage stamp on” Russian warship “. It will be called “Russian warship… EVERYTHING!” (“Russian warship… DONE!”), The press service of Ukrposhta reported on Facebook.

“The history of Ukrainian heroism is happening before our eyes. And we want to fix it in postage stamps. Therefore, in May we will present a new philatelic work as a continuation of the previous issue, “the statement reads.

Neptune missiles.

It was this ship that threatened the defenders of Snake Island , after which it heard about the direction of further movement.

It all started with the phrase “Russian warship, go…!”, And ended with the fact that he really left. Therefore, the next sheet will have a logical name – “Russian warship – EVERYTHING!”, – said in Ukrposhta.

The second sheet of the series will also include coupons with the image of the first brand of the ship. “That is two significant events in one issue!”, – added in the message.

The total circulation will be 5 million copies with domestic and international denominations.

“We will do everything possible to have enough for everyone, and historical brands, despite the excitement, caused only pride for their own country and its heroes,” Ukrposhta concluded.

The survivor, after talking to her son, denied official information from the Russian Ministry of Defense that the cause of the sinking was a fire that provoked an explosion of ammunition. The Kremlin withholds information about missing sailors who were on the cruiser at the time.

We will also add that, according to Chinese military experts, after the loss of the cruiser, the fleet of Russia no longer poses a threat to US aircraft carriers based in the Mediterranean.

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Source: ZN

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