
US allies in NATO may be involved in the withdrawal of civilians from Mariupol – Nuland

If Russia allows a safe passage.

US Allies in NATO can be involved in the withdrawal of civilians from Mariupol - Nuland

In the United States, “there was some hope that the Russians could allow” to organize the safe exit of civilians and wounded soldiers from Mariupol. If that happens, “NATO allies could be involved,” said Victoria Nuland, the US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. This was reported by CNN.

However, according to her, such an agreement “has been broken several times” and, in the end, it is the Russians who must decide on the permission for safe passage.

She also noted. that the blockade of Mariupol testifies to “the brutality of this war” and Vladimir Putin's war crimes.

Earlier, Irina Vereshchuk said that the humanitarian corridor from Mariupol did not work as planned today .

See the special topic: Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian military has eliminated about 21,200 occupiers – the General Staff of the Armed Forces The Russian Army lost 176 aircraft and 838 tanks. There will be no humanitarian corridors on Friday Evacuation routes have become very dangerous. Due to losses, the Russian army is forced to send military equipment to the rear for repairs – British Defense Ministry The combat capability of the occupying army is still affected by losses incurred in the first weeks war. Already 400 companies have moved out of the war zone, almost half have resumed work – Hetmantsev Cabinet has developed a relocation program for companies during the war Putin failed to achieve his grand ambitions on the battlefield – Biden The US President announced the failed plans of the bloody Kremlin master.

Source: ZN

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