
US Postpones Ballistic Missile Test Due to Tensions Around Taiwan — WSJ

The Biden administration believes that this could cause a new surge in tensions in relations with China.

postpones ballistic missile test due to tensions over Taiwan – WSJ” />

US postpones test launch of intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III to avoid escalating tensions with Beijing, which arose against the background of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taipei. This is reported by the Wall Street Journal.

According to the publication, the US Air Force planned to conduct a test launch of the missile this week from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, but had to postpone it. According to Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the postponement of the Minuteman III test launch to avoid further escalating relations with China. He did not respond to reporters' questions about whether President Biden personally gave the order.

“While China engages in destabilizing military exercises around Taiwan, the United States instead demonstrates the behavior of a responsible nuclear power, reducing the risks of miscalculation,” Kirby said.

In recent days, China has begun military exercises near Taiwan, pulling their ships into the sea around the island and carrying out aviation maneuvers in its airspace. In response, the White House announced that the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier and accompanying ships would remain in the region for another week “to monitor the situation.”

Read also: China will not go to war with the US: an expert explained the situation

Let us remind you that the visit Speaker of the House of Representatives of the American Congress, Nancy Pelosi, caused growing tensions between China, which considers Taiwan its own territory, and the United States. Xi Jinping called the arrival of congresswomen “another provocation by American reactionaries”.

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In more detail about the purpose of Nancy Pelosi's diplomatic visit to Taiwan, she herself spoke in a special material of the Washington Post, the translation of which was prepared for you editor of ZN.UA.

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Source: ZN

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