
Victoria Spartz again voted against allocating aid to Ukraine

The congresswoman of Ukrainian origin did not support the decision of the Congress.

Victoria Spartz again voted against allocating aid to Ukraine

Republican Congresswoman Victoria Spartz voted against the expenditure bill that the House of Representatives passed today, Friday, December 23, the website says with a record of the roll call results.

The bill was passed, with almost all Democrats voting “for” and Republicans voting “against”. Nevertheless, nine representatives of the Republican Party did support the bill, but Victoria Spartz is not among them.

A statement released by the congresswoman's office called the bill “wasteful” and stressed that there are more important issues that need to be addressed:

“The wasteful bill passed by the House today saddles the next generation of Americans with untold debt while failing to address the most pressing issues we face: the out-of-control border crisis, record high inflation, and energy security. Unfortunately, the Senate Republican leadership made a deal with the House Democrats and gave leverage to the future Republican majority in the House. That's why I voted against,” Spartz explained her position.

In addition, the statement said that, in the opinion of Victoria Spartz, “Democrats are playing politics with the situation in Ukraine” and “most Republicans cannot support such a spending package in good conscience.”

Read also: Spartz's new letter to Biden: Sharapov, Korban and Yermak again

This is not the first time that a congresswoman of Ukrainian origin has voted against aid to Ukraine. We will remind you that in autumn she already voted against the allocation of additional billions for Ukraine.

In the summer, Viktoria Spartz demanded an answer from Zelensky before the US Congress about Yermak, whom she considers a threat to the national security of Ukraine.

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More details about the conflict between the congresswoman and the leader Read the Office of the President of Ukraine in Tetyana Silina's article “Spartz against Yermak and both against Ukraine”.

Source: ZN

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