
Visa ban for Russians: it became known when the EU will discuss new sanctions against the Russian Federation

The European Commission is trying to develop a unified position on this issue among the members of the European Union.

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Issue ban on entry to the territory of the EU for citizens of Russia is gaining momentum. The Baltic countries have decided to support Volodymyr Zelenskyi's proposal and are trying to convince other EU members of the feasibility of new sanctions. Discussion of the visa ban for Russians may take place on August 30-31 during the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the European Union in Prague. This was announced by the spokeswoman of the European Commission for Internal Affairs, Migration and Internal Security Anita Hipper.

According to her, the ministers' visit to Prague will be informal, but involves discussion of a number of important issues. One of the most important will be the development of a unified position regarding the ban on the entry of Russians into the territory of the EU.

“Everyone knows the unprecedented steps we took to try to convince Russia to stop this unprovoked and unjustified aggression. As for the issue of visas, the EU immediately reacted and partially suspended the Agreement on simplification of the visa regime with the Russian Federation on February 25. Discussions are currently underway at the level of EU members to ensure a coordinated approach. On August 30-31, an informal meeting of European heads of foreign affairs will take place in Prague. They will also discuss the issue of issuing visas for Russians traveling to the EU,” Gipper said.

The spokeswoman of the European Commission emphasized that the EU is currently studying information related to the decisions of EU members who have already introduced visa restrictions against Russian citizens.

Read also: “Think about dissidents”: Scholz spoke about the ban on issuing visas to Russians

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Earlier it was reported that the government of Finland announced a reduction in the issuance of visas to Russians by 10 times.< /strong>

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Source: ZN

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