
War in Ukraine: what to do during emergency situations

The Public Health Center made a number of recommendations.

War in Ukraine: what to do during emergency situations

Due to the military invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, hostilities and missile strikes on peaceful cities continue. Ukrainians should prepare in advance for a possible stay in the emergency zone. In particular, pack an alarming suitcase, stock up on food and take care of home insulation. Specialists of the Public Health Center talked about the rules of behavior in a military emergency.

Algorithm of actions in the event of a military emergency

In the conditions of a military emergency, one must:

  • keep calm, not react to provocations;
  • try to leave the dangerous territory and take out children, elderly people, animals;
  • do not inform unfamiliar people about your future actions (plans);
  • always carry an identity document (passport) with you , information about your blood group and that of your close relatives, possible health problems (allergy to medical drugs, etc.);
  • know the location of protective structures of civil defense near the place of residence, work, in frequently visited places. Without the need to try as little as possible to be outside the place of residence, work and in unfamiliar places;
  • when leaving the premises, moving up the stairs of multi-storey buildings or to the building of civil defense (storage), observe the rule of the right hand (as in the movement of road transport) in order to avoid crowding. It is necessary to let women, children, the elderly and the disabled go ahead and provide assistance, which will significantly reduce the time of shelter occupation;
  • avoid places of mass gathering of people;
  • not enter into disputes with strangers;
  • in case of receiving any information from state authorities about a possible danger or measures to increase security, pass it on to other people;
  • in the event of the appearance of armed people, military equipment, riots, immediately leave this area district;
  • increase attention and, if possible, also leave the area in the event of the appearance of the mass media of the aggressor party;
  • notify the military, local authorities and law enforcement officers, if you see people who are not oriented to the area, speak with an accent, have an unusual appearance, carry out illegal and provocative actions, perform incomprehensible work;
  • if you find yourself in the area of ​​shelling, you should find the nearest shelter, and if there is none, then use uneven terrain (ditches, trenches, depressions from explosions, etc.). In case of sudden shelling and there are no nearby civil protection structures, shelter – you should lie down on the ground with your head in the direction opposite to the explosions. The head should be covered with hands (if available, use a suitcase or other items to cover the head). Do not leave the shelter until the end of the shelling;
  • provide first aid to other people if they are injured. Call an ambulance, representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies, and, if necessary, the military;
  • if you witnessed the injury or death of people, illegal actions (arrests, beatings, kidnappings) – it is necessary to find out and save as much information as possible about these incidents in order to provide assistance, search and identify persons.

Read also: What you should have at home to protect yourself from the consequences of a radiation accident – recommendations of the Ministry of Health

What not to do during a military emergency

< p>CGZ specialists do not recommend in such a situation:

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  • go to the windows if you hear shots;
  • observe the course of hostilities;
  • stand under fire;
  • come into conflict with armed men;
  • wear army uniform or camouflage clothing;
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  • demonstrate weapons or objects similar to them;
  • pick up abandoned weapons and ammunition.

Let us remind you that the National Police explained earlier, what should Ukrainians do if an air raid siren sounds.

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Source: ZN

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