
We need a new Chaplin who will prove that cinema has ceased to be dumb – Zelensky

During a speech at the Cannes Film Festival, the President of Ukraine called on cinema to “keep silent” about the war, quoting Charlie Chaplin's satire.

We need a new Chaplin who will prove that cinema is no longer dumb - Zelensky

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky compared the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine with the events of World War II in his speech at the Cannes Film Festival. Citing Charlie Chaplin's satire on fascism, The Great Dictator of 1940, Zelensky called on cinema not to be “dumb” even now.

, will return to the people. And as long as people die, freedom will never perish, “he said, quoting the tape.

”. “Other people die every day and they will not come to life after the phrase“ Stop. Taken down, “the president said.

“But what do we hear about it now? Will the movie be silent or will it talk? If there is a dictator and if there is a war for freedom and if again, as then, everything depends on our unity, will cinema remain outside this unity? ”Zelensky asked.

He reminded that Ukrainian cities were destroyed. not virtual graphics, but “many Ukrainians have become Guido and are trying to explain to children why they have to hide in the basement, many Ukrainians have become like Aldo Raine.”

“The land of our country is already covered with thousands of trenches. Of course, we will continue to fight. And we have no alternative but to fight for freedom, “said the President of Ukraine, expressing confidence that” the dictator will lose. “

” But words should sound like in 1940. Sound from all screens of the free world. We need a new Chaplin, who will prove even now that cinema is no longer dumb, ”Zelensky continued.

Quoting another excerpt from Charlie Chaplin's film The Great Dictator, the President of Ukraine summed up: “Finally, we must win this battle. And we need a movie that will provide just such a finale. That every voice be on the side of freedom, as it has always been seen, first of all the voice of cinema. ”

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Source: ZN

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