
We won't let you steal the holiday: what to see to create a New Year's atmosphere

Not all films are dedicated to the holiday, but filled with the spirit of Christmas.

” alt=”We won't let the holiday be stolen: what to watch to create a New Year's atmosphere” />

This year, Ukraine entered the period of winter holidays under the conditions of a full-scale invasion of Russia. The aggressor continues to carry out missile and drone attacks, attacking the critical infrastructure of our country. Russian troops are trying to advance along the front line, but they are heroically restrained by our defenders.

Ukrainians are forced to meet the holidays with blackouts, in some districts, cities and towns there is no water and heating. But even under such conditions, we strive to create a festive mood for ourselves and not lose the main thing: the light inside and faith in victory.

Films filled with the atmosphere of Christmas can help this. They are not necessarily dedicated to the holiday, but they convey the atmosphere of a fairy tale and remind us that even in dark times there is a dawn. style=”text-align: center;”>”Merry Christmas”

The comedy, which at first glance seems to be a completely standard Christmas love story, ends in an unexpected way. But despite the subtle note of sadness, it is full of love and care and reminds us that we should not only take care of our relatives, but also remember our own condition.

“Real Love”

A film that has already become a classic, in which movie stars appear who at that time had not yet become famous. And one of the heroes is the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”

The film is not dedicated to the New Year or Christmas, but there is still a Christmas scene in it. But it is imbued with the spirit of magic and sorcery, which gives it the necessary festive spirit.

“Four rooms”

< p>Mini-series, four episodes of which were shot by different directors, but united by one hero – the porter Ted. On New Year's Eve, porter Sam retires and gives instructions to his successor. One of the episodes was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.

It cannot be called completely Christmas, but the film is suitable for fans of the work of the cult director.

“Polar Express”< /h2>

A warm cartoon about a trip to Santa Claus. He reminds us all that a miracle is always around, but only those who truly believe in it see or hear it.

“Love the Coopers”

A film about a family in which each member has problems, and the main characters are about divorce after decades of marriage. But, despite everything, they manage to find understanding and remember that the most important thing in this life is nearby, even though we sometimes forget about it.

“Guardians of the Legends”

This cartoon combined the heroes of popular fairy tales and holiday characters: Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Sandman and Jack Cold, they face the evil Babai, who wants to steal the joy and plunge the world into darkness. He teaches us that the most important thing is always in ourselves – faith in miracles and inner light.

“Klaus”< /h2>

The story of how the custom of giving gifts at Christmas came about. The events take place in a gloomy town, in which all the inhabitants quarrel with each other. But, having received something pleasant, each of them begins to change, becoming a little better.

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Source: ZN

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