
Weddings, funerals and other philosophies: a Kharkiv photographer documents the stories of the military and destroyed cities

When each frame can become the last or record a life event – “you start to perceive things philosophically”. .jpg” title=”Weddings, funerals and other philosophy: a Kharkiv photographer documents the stories of the military and destroyed cities” alt=”Weddings, funerals and other philosophy: a Kharkiv photographer documents the stories of the military and destroyed cities” />

Kharkiv documentary photographer Vladislav Krasnoshchok captures a new reality on a film camera and admits that the most difficult thing is to find out that one of the heroes of his pictures has died. Stories of Ukrainian military, volunteers, cities destroyed by Russian attacks – all this is woven into his personal picture of reality. I had long planned to become a soldier, but until February 24, I did not think that the war would so suddenly cover not only Donetsk, Luhansk, but also Kharkiv or penetrate near Kyiv, where I already had time to visit for reports. The master's story is told by Bird in Flight.

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Weddings, funerals and other philosophies: a Kharkiv photographer documents the stories of the military and destroyed cities

“One frame is special for me: two soldiers are walking along a cleared road in Malia Rohan (Kharkiv region – ed.). The one on the left is Sasha. We met him several times under different circumstances. And then it so happened that I filmed his funeral. This photo is dear to me because he is still alive here, but there is already a shot in the air during his funeral. When this happens, you begin to perceive things philosophically,” the artist shares.

Weddings, funerals and other philosophies: a Kharkiv photographer documents the stories of the military and destroyed cities

Photographing without accreditation is quite dangerous, he admits and explains:

“Our military and security forces are ready to destroy you because you raised a camera somewhere. In the first weeks, everyone was on edge. Once we went with the volunteers to the north of Saltivka, I started filming, and they immediately started shooting at me. After that, I got the accreditation from the Armed Forces of Ukraine”.

Weddings, funerals and other philosophies: a Kharkiv photographer documents the stories of the military and destroyed cities

However, even in these extremely difficult conditions, warm human stories happen. The documentarian tells how he was invited to a wedding by a couple of a volunteer woman and a military man, the moment of which he managed to capture on film:

Weddings, funerals and other philosophies: a Kharkiv photographer documents the stories of the military and destroyed cities

“One more story. I got to know the military near Sloviansk — they crossed paths with the volunteers I was traveling with. In my presence, a military man proposed to a female volunteer. He twisted a wedding ring out of wire and gave it to her. Then they came to Kharkiv and invited me to a cafe for a wedding, I filmed it. Later, they even came to see me in the museum, we developed a warm relationship”.

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Let us remind you that earlier a choreographer from Chuguyev, whose photo became one of the symbols of the war, returned to work after eye surgery.

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Source: ZN

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