
When implementing the urban planning reform, it is important to preserve the powers of local communities – ambassadors of the G7

Ambassadors of the “Big Seven” countries met with Oleksandr Kubarkov and Mykhailo Fedorov.

G7″ alt=”When implementing urban planning reform, it is important to preserve the powers of local communities – G7 ambassadors” />

During the implementation of urban planning reform it is important to preserve the powers of local communities. This was stated by the ambassadors of the G7 countries and published a photo from the meeting with the Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov and the head of the Ministry of Digital Affairs Mykhailo Fedorov.

“The G7 ambassadors were interested to hear about the implementation of the urban planning reform, which we will continue to monitor . When implementing the reform, it is important to preserve the powers of local communities,” the message reads.

In turn, Kubrakov said that during the meeting with Fedorov and the G7 ambassadors, they discussed the urban planning reform, which “changes the approach to construction and introduces digitalization.” , which will control this process,” Kubrakov added.

Read also: Opposition to draft law 5655 is spreading: 39 mayors made a joint statement against the so-called urban planning reform

We will remind you that the petition with the demand to promise draft law 5655 on the reform of the sphere of urban planning gathered the required number of votes in record time.

The National Union of Architects of Ukraine and some architects who are now defending Ukraine have already spoken out against the bill. Anna Kyriy, deputy head of the Architectural Chamber of NSAU, called the draft law “reform of urban rape”.

The Association of Cities of Ukraine submitted its proposalsto the specialized committee of the Verkhovna Rada for the second reading of draft law No. 5655. As Oleksandr Slobozhan, the executive director of AMU, noted, the lack of clearly defined norms in the draft law increases possible corruption and nullifies the idea of ​​digitizing the permit system in urban planning.

The mayors of 39 Ukrainian cities also made a joint statement. The mayors noted that the legislative initiative creates conditions for the removal of the state and local self-government from control over urban planning activities.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption also has questions about the legislative initiative, which concluded that the document does not correspond to the Anti-corruption Strategy for 2021-2025. And the Main Legal Department of the Verkhovna Rada emphasized that a number of provisions of the document are unconstitutional.

How the urban planning reform proposed by the authorities can turn into the formation of a kind of construction autonomy, where civil society is assigned only the role of a spectator, analyzes Georgiy Mohylnyi in the article “Autonomous Building Republic. Facts without myths“.

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About what is wrong with this reform and why the president of Ukraine should listen to the opinion of society, read in the article Georhiy MohylnyWhat the president needs to know before signing the draft law #5655“.

Source: ZN

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