
When there is no light: in which cases charging from a power bank can damage the device

It is necessary to follow simple rules of operation.

When there is no light: in which cases charging from a power bank can damage the device

Constant missile strikes and drone attacks from Russia are aimed at destroying the critical infrastructure of Ukraine. Due to frequent enemy attacks, Ukrainians had to get used to long blackouts. Power banks for smartphones, laptops and other gadgets needed in the modern world have already managed to become an integral part of our lives.

Read also: A complete blackout is about the paralysis of all life support systems, where everything is connected to electricity – expert

However, users often make mistakes when using it, significantly shortening the service life of the power bank, as well as harming the battery of the charging gadget, writes “Apostrophe”.

  • charge from a low-quality power bank;
  • use a damaged power bank;
  • cover the gadget and portable charger with other objects during charging, otherwise the devices will overheat;< /li>
  • use poor-quality wires for charging;
  • constantly charge the gadget from a portable battery;
  • use the gadget while charging.

You should also not charge the phone in a bag, backpack or pocket, otherwise the connector of the two devices or damage the charging cable.

In order not to damage the power bank, you cannot:

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  • discharge the external battery to 0%, and it is better to charge it to 10-20% charge;
  • keep in the sun for a long time or wear outside in the cold;
  • charge when the power bank is hot, and it is better to let it cool down;
  • charge the power bank with non-original chargers;< /li>
  • throw and sit on it;
  • also power banks do not tolerate water, fire and excessive moisture.

Is Kyiv ready for one of the most difficult winters? How about ensuring the survivability of critical infrastructure during a prolonged blackout? Read about it in the article by Oleksandr Serhienko, director of the Institute of the City analytical research center “Blackout – how to survive in a big city?” on ZN.UA.

Source: ZN

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