
“Whole families come to light here”: the story of a young couple who died at Azovstal

The little son of the couple remained a round orphan

Defenders of Mariupol showed a photo of the young man Vitaly and Alla Taranov, Azov couple, who died at Azovstal , told their story. This was done by the deputy commander of the Azov Regiment Svyatoslav Palamar, and it was published in the Telegram channel of the Mariupol City Council.

Vitaliy and Alla Tarana worked in the kitchen of Azov almost from the beginning. Later they signed up for the service. Alla was a clerk, Vitaly was the head of finances. He was wounded in one of the battles, but did not go to the hospital. He stayed with his unit.

“They got married in Azov. Their family was born here, and they grew up here as well. Their son was also born here, in Mariupol,” Mariupol City Council quoted Sviatoslav Palamar as saying.

Vitaliy died on April 15. And less than a month later, on May 8, an air bomb killed Alla. The baby became an orphan.
“Two Heroes have died. The whole family is gone. And there was nothing I could do families, “says Svyatoslav Palamar.

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Recall, according to official data About a thousand Ukrainian servicemen are in the underground storage facilities of the Azovstal plant – from the Azov Battalion, the 12th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the 36th Separate Marine Brigade, border guards, police, volunteers, Mariupol Terrorist Defense. Most of them are injured. The situation is critical.

The day before, the Ukrainian military in Mariupol confirmed that they are ready to surrender to a third party and remain in that country until the end of the war. At the same time, they are also asking to evacuate the bodies of their dead brothers and sisters. In turn, the Russian occupiers used incendiary or phosphorus bombs against the defenders of Mariupol . However, the Defense Ministry later said that Putin refuses to release Azovstal defenders .

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Source: ZN

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