
Work in Poland: how quickly Ukrainians find work and how many employers are looking for an employee

More than 40% of Ukrainians immediately find work in Poland.

Work in Poland: how quickly Ukrainians find a job and how many employers are looking for an employee

About 41% of employed Ukrainians in Poland find a job within the first week after arrival. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Analytical Center of the international employment agency Gremi Personal.

At the same time, 26% of respondents say that they spent about two weeks looking for a job. 25% of respondents found a job within a month. 6% admit that they had to look for employment for more than two months and 2% said that the process took more than three months.

Employers and managers were also asked about how long they spend searching for employees in their teams, and specifically medium and highly qualified specialists.

About 50 managers from various departments were interviewed. It turned out that 50%, in order to find a specialist, look for employees for two to three months. 33% say this process takes between one and two months. And 17% of managers say that they usually look for a specialist for more than three months.

Of these, 43% of managers conduct 5-7 interviews in order to select the right specialist from among the candidates. 34% of respondents say that they interview 3-5 workers, 23% answer that 1-2 interviews are usually enough for them.

“These numbers debunk the myth about difficulties in finding a job. As we can see, finding an employee is sometimes more difficult than finding a job. The higher the qualification, the longer the search for a specialist takes. Business in Poland competes not only for Ukrainians for low-skilled jobs, but is also ready to hire specialists with high professional skills. However, the barrier to getting a good position is mostly the language issue,” says Anna Jobolda, director of Gremi Personal's recruitment department.

Work in Poland: how quickly Ukrainians find work and how many employers are looking for an employee

Read also: During the year of the war, the majority of Ukrainians did not encounter corruption and improper work of state bodies – survey

Related video < p>During the past year, 11,339 Ukrainians found work with the help of the agency.

Source: ZN

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