
Xi Jinping stated at the meeting with Medvedev that China wants negotiations regarding Ukraine

Xi also added that Beijing, as before, wants to cooperate with the Russian Federation.

Xi Jinping stated at the meeting with Medvedev that China wants negotiations on Ukraine

Chinese leader Xi Jinping, during a meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev in Beijing, stated that his country wanted b to see negotiations regarding the war against Ukraine. The comments came as Beijing tries to improve ties with Europe. This is reported by Bloomberg.

Xi also told Medvedev that his administration is “actively promoting peace and negotiations”.

“China hopes that the relevant parties can remain rational and restrained, conduct comprehensive negotiations and resolve mutual security concerns through political methods,” the Chinese leader said.

He also added that Beijing still wants to work with Russia to develop ties. Xi hopes that the Chinese Communist Party and United Russia will be able to “facilitate communication and provide wisdom to deepen strategic cooperation between China and the Russian Federation”.

Medvedev said that during the meeting with Xi Jinping, they discussed the war against of Ukraine, as well as the “boundless” strategic partnership of the two countries, without providing details.

“We discussed the cooperation between the two leading parties of China and Russia, bilateral cooperation within the framework of our strategic partnership, including on issues of economy and industrial production. We also discussed international issues – including, of course, the conflict in Ukraine. The talks were useful,” Medvedev said.

Russia has accelerated its move toward Beijing after coming under a series of Western sanctions for its invasion of Ukraine. Moscow is seeking to develop closer economic, political and security ties with China to compensate for the loss of ties with the West, and sees Xi as a potential ally in an anti-Western coalition.

China has avoided criticizing Russia over its war against Ukraine, blaming Moscow's actions on NATO expansion. Beijing signed a communiqué at the G20 summit in Indonesia in November, which said “the majority of G20 countries strongly condemned the war in Ukraine.” At the same time, China continues to refrain from calling the Russian invasion of Ukraine a war.

Since the ruling Communist Party's congress in October, Xi has been working to prevent a worsening of already strained relations with the EU. Last year, the bloc suspended an investment deal with China after the two sides “exchanged sanctions” as Beijing was accused of human rights abuses.

Also read: SCMP: China talks of need to prepare for the emergence of a weak Russia and , perhaps even without Putin

This is not the first time that the leader of China has called for peace talks. It was previously reported that during a meeting with US President Joe BidenXi Jinping said he was “very alarmed by the current situation in Ukraine.” According to him, China “has always been on the side of peace and will continue to call for peaceful negotiations.”

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In November, Xi told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that he opposes the use of nuclear weapons, emphasizing Beijing's desire to prevent the escalation of Russia's war against Ukraine. He recently used talks with European Council President Charles Michel to call for efforts to resolve the crisis.


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Source: ZN

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