
Zelenskyi commented on reports of the Russian offensive in February

The president talks about the pressure both at the front and in the information field.

“Zelensky commented on the message about the Russian offensive in February” />

President Volodymyr Zelensky in an evening video message commented on the message that the occupiers are preparing a new offensive in February.

For his words, the situation is difficult in Donetsk region, there are fierce battles going on.

“There are already many reports that the occupiers want to do something symbolic in February, to try to make up for their defeats last year, we see this increased pressure in various directions of the front, as well as pressure in the information field. It is very difficult in Donetsk, fierce battles, but no matter how hard it is, no matter what the pressure, we must use and will use every day and week to strengthen our defenses at the front, to strengthen our international position, to increase the pressure on Russia and to give our people new opportunities to get through this difficult time. we have no other alternative than to defend ourselves and win,” the president noted.

Read also: The Russian Federation is planning a large-scale offensive in Donbas until Ukraine receives Western tanks – FT

Zelensky also noted that the authorities are preparing new decisions and negotiations, which should strengthen the soldiers, which should give Ukraine more international support, more weapons Both public and non-public work formats are planned.

The Ministry of Defense confirmed that Russia is preparing an offensive of its troops in February. Military expert Agil Rustamzade believes that in the next 10 days at the front, the Russians will increase pressure on the Soledar – Bakhmut section, deploying their reserves there.

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The next Russian offensive, most likely , will not take place in the direction of the city of Zaporizhzhia, but in the Luhansk region. Such a forecast was made by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).


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Source: ZN

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