
Zelenskyi on Independence Day: “We celebrate this day with the sole purpose of preserving independence and the victory of Ukraine”

The President of Ukraine congratulated the citizens on Independence Day.

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President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed Ukrainians on the 31st Independence Day of our country. He emphasized that despite the war started by Russia, we still remain independent.

“We meet this day in different places. Someone is in trenches and dugouts, in tanks and BMP, at sea and in the air. He is fighting for independence on the front lines. Someone is on the road, in cars, trucks and trains. He fights for independence, delivering what is necessary to those on the front lines. And someone is on a smartphone or at a computer. And he also fights for independence – collecting funds so that those on the road have something to bring to those on the front lines. We meet this day in different circumstances, conditions and even in different time zones, but with the sole goal of preserving the independence and victory of Ukraine!” Zelenskyy said.

Also read: Independence Day: patriotic songs of our country< /p>

On August 24, Ukraine celebrates the 31st anniversary of Independence Day. This year, the celebration is taking place in the conditions of war, in which our country is again fighting for its sovereignty.

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Local authorities refused to hold mass events in order not to expose Ukrainians to danger. Since August 23, Russia has increased the shelling of our territory, on the night of August 24, Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Zaporizhzhia were hit by rockets.

Source: ZN

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