
Zelenskyi on the death of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: “These are not the people who can be easily replaced”

At the same time, the president emphasized that control over the issues for which the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible remains.

Zelenskyi on the death of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, believes that those who died as a result of the plane crash in Brovary on January 18it is not so easy to replace Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrskyi, First Deputy Yevhen Yenin and their colleagues. The Head of State called the death of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs a great loss for Ukraine in the evening address.

“We have lost people who were professionals, patriots, reliable leaders. Minister Denys Monastyrskyi, Yevgeny Yenin, their colleagues who died in the disaster, – these are not the people who can be easily replaced. It is really a great loss for the state. My condolences to the family,” Zelensky said.

He specified that on Wednesday the authorities not only appointed the head of the National Police, Ihor Klymenko, as acting Minister of Internal Affairs, and also distributed the tasks for which the deceased Monastyrskyi was responsible in matters of war and ensuring the security of the country.

“All the necessary decisions were made today regarding the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system… The border, the situation on the frontline territory, the participation of the National Guard and the police in hostilities – control is maintained,” the president emphasized.

Zelensky reminded that he instructed the head of the Security Service of Ukraine together with other authorized bodies to establish all the circumstances of the helicopter crash in Brovary. According to him, the SBU has already started criminal proceedings regarding the event.

The head of state assured that as soon as it is possible to find out the clear causes of the tragedy, the authorities will provide this information to the population.

Read also: Helicopter crash in Brovary : reaction of Western politicians

“I would now like to personally thank the teachers of the kindergarten, on the territory of which this helicopter fell. Mrs. Ruslana, Mrs. Olena, Mrs. Tamara, Mrs. Kateryna and all the employees of the kindergarten – I thank you! Thank you for your clear actions, for taking the children out. Thank you also to ordinary residents of Brovary, in particular Mrs. Diana, Mrs. Nadiya and others, who helped both children and the wounded. Thank you to Hleb, Andriy – the guys who also did not lose their minds and helped,” added Zelenskyi.

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Let us remind you that, according to the latest data, 14 people, including one child, died as a result of a helicopter crash in Brovary. In addition, among the dead were Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrskyi, his first deputy Yevhen Yenin, as well as Secretary of State Yuriy Lubkovich – their plane was heading to one of the “hot spots”.

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Source: ZN

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