
A new goal for the Armed Forces: in the Kherson region, the Russians are building a crossing near the Daryiv bridge

The occupiers are trying to eliminate the consequences of the work of Ukrainian artillerymen who damaged the bridge a few days ago.

alt=”A new goal for the Armed Forces: in the Kherson region, the Russians are building a crossing near the Daryiv bridge ” />

In the Kherson region, the Russian occupiers are trying to build a pontoon crossing near the Daryiv bridge, which the Armed Forces damaged earlier. Deputy of the Kherson Regional Council Serhii Khlan reported this on Facebook.

According to the official, well-targeted bombing of transport routes by the Armed Forces greatly hinders the invaders from replenishing their own resources, as they eliminate the possibility of transferring manpower and military equipment.

“The Russians are trying to build a pontoon crossing near the destroyed Dariiv bridge. Let me remind you, just the other day, collaborator Stremousov said that this bridge over Ingulets does not play any role. Well, nothing, they will prepare a new target for the Armed Forces – moreover, it has already been shot. After all, it is precisely the damage to the bridges that makes it impossible to replenish the fighting capacity of the battleships. Ukraine already officially controls the transport routes of the occupiers, which greatly strains Russia,” Khlan wrote.

Read also: The Ukrainian military keeps the logistical routes of the Russian army in the Kherson region under fire control

We will remind that with the help of Western artillery, the Ukrainian defenders managed to destroy several important logistics routes in the Kherson region at once. In particular, the Antoniv bridge across the Dnipro, which suffered critical damage as a result of HIMARS shelling.

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Source: ZN

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