
The spirit of Ukraine continues to inspire the world in our common desire for a better future – Brink

The ambassador congratulated the Ukrainians on the New Year.

The spirit of Ukraine continues to inspire the world in our common desire for a better future - Brink

US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink, during the New Year's greetings, said that in the coming year the USA will continue to support Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression.

The American diplomat reacted to yesterday's massive missile attack by the aggressor state on Ukraine and noted the resilience of Ukrainians.

“In these darkest days of the year, Russia continues to try to extinguish the light of Ukraine. Despite the brutality of the Kremlin, its atrocities and attempts to deprive you of warmth and comfort, your courage and perseverance have become even more intense,” Brink said.

According to her, such steadfastness of Ukrainians assures the world that Ukraine will win in opposed to Russian aggression.

“The spirit of Ukraine continues to inspire the world in our common desire for a better future. You have repeatedly demonstrated that the cruelty of the Kremlin will not stop you. This, among many other things, prompts us to firmly believe that Ukraine will win,” she recalled.

Brink also added that the American people will remain a reliable partner and friend of the Ukrainian people in 2023, and US commitment to Ukraine “will be iron.”

“The American people see how you are ready to sacrifice everything in the fight for your freedom and your country. Your steadfastness strengthens our resolve and as we approach the New Year, I want to assure you that our commitment to Ukraine is ironclad. We will be with you side by side as partners and friends in 2023,” the ambassador emphasized.

Bridget Brink wished Ukrainians a peaceful and victorious New Year and ended the greeting with the words “Glory to Ukraine!”.

Read also: Washington Post: Because of the failure in Ukraine, Putin isolated himself from his elites

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Recall that earlier the media reported that the US government was considering the possibility of sending Bradley fighting vehicles< /strong> to Ukraine as part of a further package of military support.

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Source: ZN

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