
An important amendment was made to the PACE resolution regarding the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine

PACE adopted the resolution “Sexual violence in times of conflict”.

” alt=”An important amendment was made to the PACE resolution regarding the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine” />

At the winter plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which takes place in Strasbourg from January 23 to 27, an important amendment was adopted, which actually recognizes that Russia has been waging war against Ukraine since 2014. This was reported by the head of the PACE Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Mass Media Yevgenia Kravchuk, the press service of the Verkhovna Rada informs.

According to her, the PACE adopted the resolution “Sexual violence in times of conflict”. The amendment on Russian aggression, which began in 2014, was adopted with 47 votes in favor. ) started back in February 2014,” Kravchuk said.

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Previously, PACE supported the creation of an international tribunal to investigate crimes committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

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Source: ZN

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