
Australian general: HIMARS will change the situation at the front, but will not bring Ukraine victory in the war

The expert explained that the American MLRS are not “miracle weapons”, and we should not expect results from them beyond their intended purpose.

” alt=”Australian general: HIMARS will change the situation on the front, but will not bring Ukraine victory in the war” />

During the last few days, discussions continued about how HIMARS systems affect the course of the war, which Russia unleashed against Ukraine. And these American guns are really great. But it is worth understanding the capabilities and purpose of these systems so that their expected impact is not exaggerated.

Retired Australian general Mick Ryan wrote about it on his Twitter page. HIMARS is a lighter and more deployable version of the older tracked launcher that launches the same missiles. Due to its mobility, this system can fire and then quickly leave. This increases the “survivability” of the platform in times when the period between the detection and destruction of the firing position has become very short.

Due to its long range and accuracy, HIMARS is precisely the weapon that was created to attack targets deep behind enemy lines. It is used to destroy critical communication nodes, command centers, air bases and important logistics facilities. It is obvious that over the past few days, Ukraine has used these installations to destroy more than a dozen key Russian warehouses, which mostly stored artillery ammunition. Ryan notes that in Donbas, Russia has drawn Ukraine into a battle of attrition. But now the Ukrainian side got an opportunity to break out of such a war, returning to the asymmetric tactics that it successfully used at the beginning of the Russian invasion.

Read also: the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit enemy positions with HIMARS, the occupiers complain of serious losses

The Ukrainian military is again hitting Russia's weak spot: its logistics, which are highly dependent on railways, its very chatty Russian field generals, and its artillery, on which the Russian offensive in the east depends too much. Command and control nodes became one of the key goals. In other words, these are command posts where high-ranking Russian commanders sit. The accuracy of HIMARS missiles is critical to the ability to quickly detect and destroy such nodes. Also, many Russian warehouses with weapons and ammunition are located near the railway and civilian residential areas. The accuracy of HIMARS allows the Ukrainian military to minimize the damage from their long-range attacks on Russian military targets.

In addition to the physical, there is also a psychological impact. Now a much larger part of the Russian forces is in the radius of a potential strike. The Russian military saw confirmation of this both in social networks and in person. As noted by the former commander of the US Army in Europe, General Ben Hodges, the post of warehouse foreman is probably the least desirable position in the Russian Armed Forces. Ryan is convinced that this psychological impact will affect the effectiveness of the military organization. So HIMARS are really changing the nature of the war that is ongoing on the territory of Ukraine. These systems allow the Ukrainian army to destroy Russian invaders at a long distance and in those areas that until now remained inaccessible due to Russian air defense.

The Ukrainian army can fight exactly the way it wants instead of participating in a very exhausting war imposed by the Russians. Ryan warns that HIMARS will be a prime target for Russia's long-range missiles and air force.

“At the same time, HIMARS systems should not be treated as a “miracle weapon” that will change the course of the war. Since the first Industrial Revolution, there has been a tendency to look for a single technological miracle that can win all wars. But this is a mirage,” warns an Australian military officer.

Read also: In the US, the Armed Forces believe that the HIMARS anti-aircraft system is used effectively

HIMARS are influencing the situation on the battlefield and will continue to do so. But these systems alone will not bring victory in the war. They gave the Armed Forces of Ukraine new “long arms” that help beat the Russian invaders. But there is no single solution that would allow a quick end to the war.

“It is important that the impact of HIMARS does not negate the responsibility of Western countries to continue to provide a full range of weapons, ammunition, intelligence, training and other support, which Ukraine needs,” Ryan writes.

The armed forces are a complex formation that requires different capabilities at different levels of functionality, range and speed of action. HIMARS, although important, is only one of these levels in the overall structure of national and military capabilities that Ukraine needs to win the war against Russia.

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Source: ZN

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