
Biden instructed the US State Department to allocate 400 million dollars to support Ukraine

The funds will be used for the purchase of defense items and the training of the Ukrainian military.

Biden instructed the US State Department to allocate 400 million dollars to support Ukraine

US President Joe Biden instructed the State Department to allocate 400 million US dollars for military aid to Ukraine. This is stated in the memorandum that appeared on the official website of the White House.

It is noted that the funds will be directed to the purchase of “defense items and services of the Ministry of Defense”, as well as to the training of Ukrainian military personnel.

“Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including Section 621 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the authority … to direct the appropriation of up to $400 million for defense items and services of the Department of defense, as well as military education and training to provide assistance to Ukraine,” the signed document says.

Read also: The Pentagon promised to help Ukraine liberate some territories by winter

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Source: ZN

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