
Breakthrough in cancer treatment: scientists made an unexpected discovery about metastases

Researchers were able to find a protein that plays a decisive role in the development of metastases.

Breakthrough in cancer treatment: scientists made an unexpected discovery about metastases

Scientists from the University of Cambridge discovered a protein that plays a crucial role in the development of cancer metastases. As New Atlas reports, the discovery not only makes it possible to find new methods of cancer treatment, but also shows that the process underlying the formation of metastases is not unique to this disease.

Regardless of where it originates in the body, cancer can colonize other organs or tissues through a process known as metastasis, which greatly complicates treatment. forms of cancer

In the new study, the scientists not only identified a new mechanism for the formation of metastases, but also rethought its role. For a long time, it was believed that metastasis is an abnormal process that occurs only in cancer, but a new study has shown that this process is also used by healthy cells, cancer simply “learned” to use it for its own purposes.

Scientists managed to do discovery by examining a cellular structure known as a nonselective sodium leak channel (NALCN). These channels are located on cell membranes and control how salt enters and leaves the cell. Now scientists have found that NALCN also regulates the release of cells from tissues into the bloodstream, where they can be taken up by other organs and tissues.

The researchers conducted experiments on mice in which the function of the NALCN protein was blocked and found that it causes metastases of stomach, intestinal and pancreatic cancer.

The most impressive discovery was made when the researchers conducted experiments on mice in which the cancer was not Blocking NALCN led to the fact that healthy cells migrated from their “mother” organs to others. Cells of the pancreas, for example, migrated to the kidneys and turned into healthy cells of these organs.

Earlier, Swedish scientists discovered another function of platelets, which is manifested during the development of oncological processes. It turned out that these blood elements can prevent the spread of tumors in the body.

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Important! This publication is based on the latest and current scientific research in the field of medicine and is of an exclusively general information nature. The publication cannot be the basis for making any diagnoses. If you are ill or need a diagnosis, consult a doctor!

Source: ZN

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