
Cosmic bear: a crater of an unusual shape was found on Mars

The picture of the crater was taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Cosmic bear: a crater of an unusual shape was found on Mars

Scientists using the HiRISE instrument of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter obtained a picture of an unusual crater on Mars. It resembles the muzzle of a giant bear, reports Science Alert.

The crater got its resemblance to animals thanks to an unusual structure in the center that resembles a bear's nose. What could have created it?

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“There is a hill with a V-shaped collapse structure (nose), two craters (eyes) and a circular fracture pattern (head). The circular pattern of the crack may be related to the deposition of sediments above the impact crater. The nose may be a volcanic or mud vent, and the deposits may be lava or mudflows,” said HiRISE principal investigator Alfred McEwen.

However, it is not possible to say exactly what made the crater look like a bear. Probably, research conducted on the ground could help with this, but it cannot be done at the moment.

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Source: ZN

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