
“Dead child in mother's arms” – paramedic Tyra testified before the Helsinki Commission

She listed the atrocities of the Russian troops, which she witnessed in Mariupol and during her captivity.

"Dead child in mother's arms" - paramedic Tyra testified before the Helsinki Commission

Ukrainian paramedic Tyra, who was captured by Russian troops during the siege of Mariupol, spoke to US lawmakers with testimony about his experience of torture and terror at the hands of the Russian occupiers. The Guardian writes about it.

Yulia Paevska spoke before the Helsinki Commission, an institution created, in particular, to promote the observance of human rights at the international level.

Tyra listed for the commission the atrocities of the Russian troops, which she witnessed in Mariupol and during her stay in captivity.

The prisoners are pregnant, their fate is unknown neither to their relatives nor to the state.

Fighter , who was beaten for three hours and then thrown into the basement like a sack. And only a day later someone came to him

A dead child in the arms of the mother.

A seven-year-old boy with bullet wounds dies in my lap because in this case I could not avert death.

Prisoners in their cells screamed and died of torture for weeks without any medical attention. The only thing they experienced before death was abuse and beatings.

My friend whose eyes I closed before he died. And one more friend. And more, and more.

A city of half a million people is dying before my eyes under airstrikes: methodical, planned.

Air strikes on hospitals and residential areas.

A hospital full of wounded soldiers and civilians who have run out of anesthetics and antibiotics.

Soldiers and all medical personnel sleep two to three hours a day, because the operations go one after the other.

Medivacs arrive every five, 10 minutes, wounded and dead lying on top of each other.

Burning cars with burning people in them.

The policemen pull out women and children mutilated beyond recognition from under the rubble.

People collect water from puddles.

Robbered houses.

Dogs that were once pets drag human limbs around the city.

Prisoners forced to remove their clothes by their killers before being slowly butchered to death.

Specially prepared torture chambers.

Ukraine's ambassador to the USA Oksana commented on Yulia Paevska's speech Markarova.

“Today our legendary Yulia Paevska (Tyra) testified before the Helsinki Commission.

It was a very powerful speech with the truth about the horrors of the Russian blockade of Mariupol and about the three-month stay in inhumane conditions in captivity of the occupiers, the unlimited cruelty of the Russian terrorist invaders. She called on our American friends to increase aid to Ukraine, to increase pressure on Russia, to help us protect not only Ukraine, but also the entire civilized world,” the ambassador wrote on Facebook.

Paevska, known by the nickname Tyra, became known to the whole world after she gave The Associated Press video from her chest camera before she left Mariupol.

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On June 17, Volodymyr Zelenskyi announced that Tyro had been released from captivity.

Source: ZN

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