
During yesterday's massive attack on Ukraine, the director of the CIA – mass media was in Kyiv

William Burns arrived in Kyiv after meeting with the head of the SVR of the Russian Federation in Ankara.

During yesterday's massive attack on Ukraine, the director of the CIA - media was in Kyiv

CIA Director William Burns visited Kyiv, on November 15, to meet with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and his intelligence colleagues, writes CNN with reference to an American official. According to the official, during the massive Russian attack on Ukraine, Burns was in a safe place on the territory of the US embassy.

The director of the CIA came to Kyiv after a meeting with the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, in Ankara. This is the second known case of the CIA director visiting Kyiv in less than a month.

According to the official, during the visit to Kyiv, Burns “discussed the US warning against the use of nuclear weapons, which he conveyed to the head of the Russian Defense Ministry, and confirmed the commitment of the United States to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.” .

Read also: The former director of the CIA does not rule out that the US and its partners could intervene in the war in Ukraine

Recall that on November 15 the Russian Federation launched a powerful missile attack

strong> on the territory of Ukraine. As a result of the Russian attack, in addition to Ukrainian critical infrastructure facilities, in addition to Poland, where Russian missiles flew and killed two people, neighboring Moldova, which was partially cut off, was affected.

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Immediately after the incident, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, in agreement with President Andrzej Duda, convened an urgent meeting of the Committee of the Council of Ministers on National Security and Defense, there was also increased combat readiness of troops.

Source: ZN

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