
Everyone wants a different victory in the war with Russia: what we need to know

How the world changed during the year of the “three-day” war

  • Serhiy Korsunsky


  • Serhiy Korsunskyi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in Japan

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Everyone wants a different victory in war with Russia: what we should know

A year has passed since the Three Day War, and the world is still trying to understand its causes and consequences. Russia's explanations cannot be rationally accepted, because they do not contain ratios. War is obviously different for us and for the aggressor, which makes understanding impossible. In the same way, the events of this war are perceived differently by different peoples who observe it from the outside. This fact brings us back to geopolitics, because it is important to realize that when some influential countries talk about providing weapons or establishing peace, they see it differently. Everyone wants peace, but it is different for Ukraine, China, Russia or the USA.

The US wants peace, with a controlled degradation and disintegration of Russia, and China becoming more restrained in its ambitions to dominate Asia. It is important to get rid of aggressive Russia, because it was and remains the only threat to peace in Europe, but at the same time, the ideal option is to prevent uncontrolled access of the PRC to Russian resources. China wants peace when the United States ceases to be the sole world leader and Russia becomes a mere moneylender to fuel the great Chinese project of national renewal. Russia wants a peace in which it is recognized as a great power, has the right to veto everything that happens around it, without any reason, except for nuclear weapons, the size of the territory and mineral reserves. Dugin had not been heard from for a long time, and now he came out of his cave again and declared that “there are only two ways out of this war – the victory of Russia or the death of humanity.” We have heard about it before, but now it is important that everyone hears it.

Putin is just the personification of evil. Evil itself is those who gave it power, who seek to dominate and hate everyone who does not belong to its “pet.” Putin always wanted this war. For him, it began thirty years ago, and all this time he cultivated and cherished every moment of it. He assembled the war piece by piece, like a Lego model, and waited for the right opportunity. War became his only favorite child, and as soon as the conditions were right in 2014, he let her grow. Incapable of real strategic thinking, he directed all the forces of his petty mentally traumatized nature to one goal — to prove to the “damned pendos” that he is stronger. He did not and does not have any business with his children, nor with strangers, nor with his wives, nor with everyone else. The Neanderthal's dream of proving to everyone that he is a homo sapiens cannot be rational. For some, Orwell's novels became an antidote to the horrors of communism, for him – an instruction for action. ” title=”” alt=”” />Ministry of Defense of Russia/t.me

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Everyone wants peace, only Putin and his zombie population, who believe his every word, want war. For him, this is a war not against Ukraine, but against the USA and the West. The seizure of Crimea and the invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014, the aggression on February 24 — all these are components of the long-prepared plan of revenge of the West for East Germany, the collapse of the USSR, the “humiliation” of Russia during Yeltsin's time, technological backwardness and the inability to impose its false vision of world order on the leading geopolitical players. It is no accident that the current phase of the war began with the West's absurd ultimatums. He was only interested in Ukraine as a battlefield. This was always done in the USSR. Only the leaders of the CPSU chose other territories — now Cuba, now Afghanistan. If Putin had been the president of the USSR in the 1990s, such a battlefield would have been Poland, or the Baltic states, or Hungary, where the lessons of history were never learned. He grew up with myths about the “unbreakable and legendary”, the omnipotence of the KGB, the right of the strong to take everything that came into his field of vision. He put in so much effort to become strong, and he, he personally, was betrayed – first by Gorbachev, and then by Yeltsin. He did not take revenge on them, because for him they are small, secondary goals. His revenge is aimed at the strong, at the United States, and this is a real drive, even an orgasm, for his paranoid, mythology-deformed view of the world. But everything went wrong, because the world is different than he imagined. Ukraine did not give up, and the democracies of the world united to fight back against Russia.

Our victory is born on the battlefield, but it is also born in a clear understanding of what is happening around us. John F. Kennedy, who went through the Caribbean crisis, once said: “In domestic politics we risk only defeat, foreign policy can lead us to the grave.”

Geopolitics, which died a year ago, is slowly coming back. China has slightly reduced its aggressive rhetoric towards the West, but has joined the game of raising rates, demonstrating strategic relations with Putin, rapprochement with Iran and increasing supplies of almost free energy resources from the Russian Federation. China needs the US to concentrate on the war in Europe, thereby weakening its position in Asia. Even for a superpower, “stretching” for nine thousand kilometers is a difficult task.

Russia has formed a basic alliance with the DPRK, Iran, Belarus, and Syria, and is persistently drawing the countries of Africa and Latin America into it, where they still remember the colonial past. All this already happened during the times of the USSR. This is bad, but not critical, because flirting with the “Third World” requires money, and if the unity of the West does not give slack, it will end sooner or later.

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The United States has done an incredible thing — it has brought back the unity of the West, and now its position in negotiations with China is much stronger than in the immediate “post-Trump” period. There have been radical changes in the politics of France, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany, which even yesterday were talking about special relations with Putin. The European Union has taken on an unexpectedly powerful appearance, where only one country is stubbornly trying to destroy unity, and there are reasons to believe that the project of a united Europe will indeed become a reality. It is not excluded that Great Britain will also return to it, which in difficult conditions shows considerable leadership on the world stage.

For the first time since the Second World War Japan began to move away from orthodox pacifism.Constant provocations on the part of restive neighbors were evidenced by the review of strategic documents in the field of security and defense. In the Indo-Pacific region, the formation and strengthening of new alliances have begun, which should become the foundation for maintaining the status quo and prevent the emergence of conflicts in the region where the industrial and technological heart of the world beats.

Finally, unique “Rammstein” formula,and it is not excluded that it will remain even after our victory, since, as it becomes more and more clear, threats of war can arise not only in Europe, and the civilized world must be ready to react in conditions of paralysis of international institutions called to ensure security. The USA has no intention of ceding its leadership position to anyone, but the new configuration of the competitive environment in the major league will no longer be one-man. We are expecting the formation of two global blocs that will go far beyond regional characteristics. Sweet dreams of Russia about the “third pole” will not become reality.

On January 31, 1979, Deng Xiaoping made a historic visit to the United States. He was in high spirits on board the plane. A few weeks earlier, China and the United States had established diplomatic relations, and the Chinese leader viewed this fact as an extremely important step in his program to “open” China to the world. Deng Xiaoping was not a person who likes to talk a lot, but that time, according to eyewitnesses, he talked a lot about his plans for reforms and economic development of the PRC. In particular, he said: “If we look closely at history, we will see that all those countries that were with the US became rich, while those that were against the US remained poor. We will be from the USA”.

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The fact that China still will not risk relations with the largest consumer of its products is confirmed by statistics: last year the trade between the United States and the People's Republic of China amounted to 690 billion dollars, and imports from China to the United States reached 536.8 billion dollars, while exports amounted to only 153 .8 billion. And, although politics does intervene in the economy, the positive balance of $383 billion. — is an important enough argument not to forget Deng Xiaoping's words. Similar trends are observed in China's trade with the EU (positive balance exceeds 210 billion dollars). Russia, on the other hand, has lost its strategic balance in its foreign relations: the European market for energy carriers and high-tech goods is virtually closed, it is being pushed out of the arms market in Asia, and industrial development is in a state of stagnation. Russia is becoming easy prey for China. For Eurasian Russia, it is impossible to imagine standing on one leg even in the conditions of special relations with India and China. The question is when Putin's entourage will finally understand this and draw conclusions.

The world will be different after our victory. The Pandora's box opened by Russia is doing its job, and instead of development, half the world is now in a hurry to order new types of advanced weapons. Even Hungary is dramatically increasing its military budget, not to mention our allies in Europe and Asia. The world after our victory will be different, but, in spite of everything, better. And Ukraine will be its co-creator.

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Source: ZN

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