
Experts should not confuse government and business models

Otherwise, the border between the state and the private sector is blurred, creating conditions for corruption and abuse, especially in a “weak” state.

You can't confuse models of government and business - experts

ZN.UA has a presentation of the project” Government in a smartphone “, which deals with revolutionary innovations in public administration. The document is dated June 14 and can still be changed. Experts of the Center for Policy and Legal Decisions Igor Koliushko and Viktor Tymoschuk in the article “ Why a sharp reduction of the state apparatus is not a reform, but a big risk ” voiced the main problems of this project.

In addition to the revolutionary reduction of the state apparatus – three times, we are talking about the idea of ​​building a state apparatus on the model of a business company ( IT companies) . In particular, with easy dismissal and appointment procedures, flexibility in pay, etc. Experts note that this discussion is one of the reasons for the “slippage” of public administration reform over the past 2.5 years. It all started in the fall of 2019 with the reset of the civil service, which rejected Ukraine years ago in this area. The debate has now resumed.

This is a fundamental mistake , experts warn. In business administration and public administration – different goals, forms of work, requirements for sustainability, patterns of operation.

Business is primarily about making a profit. Therefore, outsourcing public functions is the exception rather than the general rule. Otherwise, the performance of public functions will constantly become more expensive or may stop altogether. abuses, especially in a “weak” state , experts say: “Business decisions can be made by the owner or management at their own discretion, individually, quickly and on the principle of” everything that is not prohibited. “

At the same time, public administration is limited by law, resources, and procedures. The state must serve the whole society, so decisions must be made transparently, predictably, inclusively, balanced, coordinated, effective, etc.

And issues of stability. The state must function continuously and stably. Even during the change of presidents, parliaments, governments and during the war. Even with limited resources. “

Experts also note that the Prozorro and Mincifere cases are cited as arguments for the business approach.

” It should be reminded that in in both cases there are examples closer to the startup model. That is, we are talking about new structures and the creation of additional products. But this cannot be imposed on fundamental sectors of public policy. Because there are obligations and restrictions that cannot be stopped or circumvented. A normal state cannot exist without defense, justice or health care, “CPPR experts say.

Read more from Igor Koliushko and Viktor Tymoschuk at the link.

Source: ZN

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