
Fighter jets from Germany are currently not on time – Pistorius “cancelled the supply”

At the same time, in an appeal to the arms industry of Germany, the German Ministry of Defense urged to produce more ammunition – even if the contracts have not yet been signed.

The fighter jets from Germany are currently not on time - Pistorius

Questions regarding fighter jets to Ukraineis currently not in the center of attention in Germany, said the Minister of Defense of this country, Boris Pistorius, and has currently “cancelled their supply to Kyiv”, he said in an interview on the Tagesschau program.

Read also: The US still allows sending fighter jets to Ukraine – Financial Times

According to Pistorius, Germany will instead focus on increasing the supply of ammunition for the future counteroffensive and existing air defense systems:

“If the sky over Ukraine will be safe for the next three to four months, then we can talk about all further steps – the use of armored vehicles, in particular, will then make sense.” under the control of the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces – Ignat

We note that, at the moment, official Berlin has not confirmed the decision to supply fighter jets, so the word about its cancellation causes a certain dissonance.

 The topic of fighter jets will certainly be discussed in Brussels.It should be added that at the end of January Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that he believes that the discussion on the provision of fighter jets to Ukraine “will not help” in the war against Russia.

Read also: In Brussels, Zelensky handed over lists of weapons needed by Ukraine to allies – Spiegel

Let us remind you that on the eve of the statement that Germany is not considering the issue of transferring fighter jets to Ukraine the head of the German Foreign Ministry Annalena Berbock made.

The first “Leopards” in Ukraine – at the end of March

According to Pistorius, the first Leopard tanks from Germany should arrive in Ukraine in the last week of March. And now the military training from Ukraine has started in Münster.

Read also: Zelensky has four key requests for EU leaders during his trip to Brussels — Euractiv

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In an address to the German arms industry The German Ministry of Defense called for the production of more ammunition– even if the contracts have not yet been signed. It is “a matter of desire and goodwill.” Ammunition will be sold, the risk that they will remain in the country is small.

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Source: ZN

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