
From the investigator to the head of the SAP: what is known about Oleksandr Klymenko

It is related to a number of high-profile cases in which Onyschenko, Nasirov, Tatarov and Gladkovskyi were involved.

investigator to the head of the SAP: what is known about Oleksandr Klymenko” />

The head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office was appointed today. He became Oleksandr Klymenko, who was announced by the Competition Commission as the winner of the fair selection and was approved by the new Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin

What is known about the new head of the SAP?

Oleksandr Klymenko is 35 years old. He is a lawyer, graduated from the Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy in Kharkiv. It was Klymenko who became the first whose integrity was supported by the commission and voted unanimously.

In 2010, he worked in Kyiv in the internal affairs bodies, first as an investigator, and later, when the National Police was created, as a senior investigator. There he was involved in the investigation of property theft cases.

During the investigation of the theft of Ukrzaliznytsia funds, Klymenko had a conflict with the manager. Then it turned out that the officials were concluding fictitious contracts and withdrawing funds from the enterprise. The senior investigator wrote a letter to stop such payments, in response to which he received a call from his management not to send this letter. Klymenko refused to do this, after which he was forced to hand over his certificate and leave the administration.

A week later, Klymenko was called to work, his office was opened, he was reprimanded and all the cases he was investigating were taken away, leaving only the proceedings on accidents. However, quite quickly after the incident with Klymenko, his manager was fired.

In 2016, he submitted an application for participation in the competition to NABU, after which Klymenko became a detective. In 2017, he was already a senior detective, and in November of the same year he headed an entire department.

Klymenko investigated the cases of former deputy Oleksandr Onyshchenko, former head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov, and current deputy head of the president's office Oleg Tatarov, who is responsible for the direction of law enforcement agencies. Also, the detective at that time was the senior of the group of prosecutors in the case of the ex-deputy secretary of the National Security Council Oleh Gladkovskyi.

He received a lawyer's license this year, on February 18. He connected the decision to do this with the beginning of attacks on NABU Director Artem Sytnyk: “In the event of a change in NABU management, if the philosophy of NABU activity changes, I will not be able to work there or go to another place.”

One of the NABU detectives called Klymenko a person with a “police approach to work”: “NABU detectives are independent in their actions, the head of the unit can give clear instructions only in individual cases. Klymenko did not understand this.”

Also in 2016, Klymenko was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. He considers it a pressure, which he connects with the active stage of the investigation of the “gas case” at the time. Klymenko tells about this situation as follows: he was stopped after the court session, the patrolmen first tried to accuse him of violating traffic rules, and then they started talking about the fact that he might be drunk. At the same time, the police officers did not have devices that would allow them to conduct an investigation on the spot. Instead, they demanded that Klymenko go with them, but they did not allow to take witnesses. In the end, he refused, a protocol was drawn up against him, but the court closed the case.

Why did Klymenko decide to head the SAP?

He answered this question during an interview with UP: “I am in In 2020, I took part in the competition in the Bureau for promotion. And although I scored the highest number of points, I still lost it, I was determined to be the second, not the first. In fact, I no longer had the possibility of any career growth in the Bureau, because all the management positions were filled.

There was a competition in the SAP. And I, taking into account that I had considerable experience and a large number of high-profile proceedings in the Bureau, decided that as the head of the SAP I could to do more for the country than as a senior detective.”

Source: ZN

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