
Germany fears losing influence in Europe after Ukraine joins the EU — The Daily Telegraph

Chancellor Olaf Scholz believes that strengthening the status of Eastern European countries will shake the positions of Germany and France.

Germany is afraid of losing its influence in Europe after Ukraine joins the EU — The Daily Telegraph

The German government is not happy with the prospect of Ukraine joining the European Union, as it fears losing it is an influence in Europe. This information is reported by The Daily Telegraph.

According to the source, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholzsees the strengthening of relations between Eastern European countries as a threat to Germany and France. The active cooperation of Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states after the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia caused serious concern among politicians. It only intensified after granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU accession.

It is reported that Scholz is already promoting among the leaders of the European Union an initiative to introduce changes in the voting procedure in the Council of the EU. The plan is to strengthen the decision-making influence of countries with larger populations. A similar position is supported by Portugal, which is also skeptical of Ukraine's European course.

We will remind that in January, the head of the Foreign Ministry of Great Britain, Liz Truss, expressed an opinion about the creation of a triple union of the United Kingdom, Ukraine and Poland. Later in Kyiv, there was talk of the need to join the Baltic states. In the USA the initiative was supported, but in Germany and France, apparently, not.

Read also: Withdrawal of the status of a candidate for membership The EU is not foreseen for Ukraine – Stefanyshyn

Earlier it was reported that NATO expects to strengthen its eastern flank at the expense of Eastern European countries.

The movement of history cannot be stopped: Ukraine is becoming part of the West. Granting Ukraine the status of a candidate country in the EU dramatically accelerates this process. But what conditions must Ukraine fulfill and what next? What awaits our country on the long road to the European Union? Read Dmytro Shulga's article “When Ukraine can become a member of the EU and how not to miss the chance”.

Source: ZN

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