
How to pack an anxious suitcase: what to put in it

It should be prepared in advance and always kept ready.

How to pack an alarming suitcase: what to put in it

In Ukraine, the massive missile attacks conducted by the Russian Federation on peaceful cities do not abate. Ukrainians are forced to hide in bomb shelters to save their lives. It is not known how long the shelling may last, so it is necessary to have an emergency suitcase just in case. It should be taken with you to the shelter. The specialists of told what should be in an emergency suitcase.

What is an emergency suitcase

An emergency suitcase is a strong, large, comfortable backpack or bag . Pack the necessary minimum of clothing, hygiene items, medicines, tools and food.

An alarm suitcase is needed for a quick evacuation, so that you do not waste time collecting things.

Read also: Air alarm: an algorithm of actions from the National Police

What things should be put in the emergency suitcase

In the suitcase you should put the most necessary things and documents, namely:

  • passport and copies of all necessary documents in plastic packaging
  • < li>money (bank cards and cash; distribute banknotes in different places)

  • paper version of the COVID certificate
  • house and car keys
  • a map of the area, as well as information about your family's contact method and agreed meeting place
  • mobile phone chargers and power banks
  • radio receiver
  • flashlight, matches, lighter, candles
  • spare push-button telephone, set of walkie-talkies
  • compass, clock (preferably waterproof mechanical)
  • spare batteries
  • multifunctional tool (multitool) with a knife blade, awl, screwdriver, scissors, etc.
  • pointed knife, axe
  • whistle, lighter
  • garbage bags
  • li>

  • roll of wide tape
  • notebook, pen, pencil or marker
  • water purification tablets
  • threads, needles
  • synthetic cord (thickness – 4-5 mm, about 20 m long)
  • first aid kit
  • warm clothes
  • underwear and socks
  • reliable, comfortable shoes, preferably moisture-resistant
  • tent, cot, sleeping bag (if space allows)
  • hygienic products
  • dishes (pot, flask, spoon, mug)
  • two liters of drinking water per person (this amount should cover your minimum need for two days, and at the same time will not make your alarming suitcase too heavy)
  • food for two days
  • scanned archive of photos and documents

You should also put a tag with your name and contact information in a top or side pocket in case you lose your backpack. If possible, take pictures of family members or those you will be with all the time – this will help you find them if the group splits up.

After packing, try to pick up your backpack and walk with it. If it is heavy, be sure to optimize its content: it is important to get it to the shelter without problems.

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The child must put notes in his backpack and pocket with his name, year of birth, home address, planned destination and information about parents – names and contacts. Explain to the child when and how to use this note.

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Source: ZN

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