
“If they heard me, Ukraine would have a better chance”: Zelensky responded to Biden's accusations

According to him, at first our state was preparing for the worst-case scenario – that no one would support it in the confrontation with Russia.

President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to his American counterpart Joe Biden by saying he ignored warnings about Russia's intentions to launch an invasion. The Ukrainian leader reminded that the allies did not provide us with the necessary weapons and air defense systems, although Kyiv requested this as part of preventive measures, Zelensky said in an interview with ZDF.

He also said that Ukraine has repeatedly warned partners about the threat of a blockade of the Black Sea and even presented a program building the Black Sea Fleet with a partner country.

“If they heard me, Ukraine would have a better chance to stop the Russian invasion, the signals you are talking about were all different. Look, if everything happened so that everyone warned Ukraine that there would be a full-scale invasion tomorrow, the question arises: why not The airspace is closed, why we were not provided with weapons before the invasion and why preventive sanctions were not imposed, “the president said.

Zelensky also said that Ukraine was preparing for the worst-case scenario – that no one will support it in the confrontation with Russia. However, he is now grateful to all partners who are helping to combat Putin's aggression.

Read also: Ukraine began preparing for the war last year – OP

It will be recalled that US President Joe Biden believes that Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky ignored warnings about Russia's plans to invade. According to him, Kyiv thought that Washington was exaggerating its predictions about the war. it was overlooked .

Read the truth about the war in an interview with Inna Vedernikova with military analyst Agil Rustamzade for ZN.UA.

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Source: ZN

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