
In France, Russians were forbidden to visit the Vincennes Castle, where the archives of the Ministry of Defense – mass media are stored

However, “inquiries related to journalistic duties” are still allowed.

Russians banned from visiting Vincennes Castle, where the archives of the Ministry of Defense are kept – mass media” />

In France, Russians were banned from visiting the Chateau de Vincennes near Paris, where the archives of the French Ministry of Defense are kept, writes 20 Minutes citing sources. The corresponding directive was issued after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine.

The castle is located in the southeast of Paris and contains, in particular, one of the centers of the Service of Historical defense It is indicated that under certain conditions the public has access to the Service's libraries and archives.

The French Ministry of Defense explained that after the invasion of Ukraine ” restricted access to the Ministry's military facilities to citizens of Russia.” At the same time, the source emphasized that “inquiries related to journalistic duties” can be made.

Read also: Zelensky is asked to close Russians to enter Ukraine for half a century territory is for Western countries to announce an entry ban for all Russians. Some critics argue that blocking all Russians would unfairly affect those who left their country because they disagreed with Vladimir Putin's decision to attack Ukraine. However, Zelensky is sure that such distinctions are irrelevant.

Source: ZN

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