
In Kherson, teachers refused to teach according to the Russian program

Teachers also disagreed with the occupiers' proposal to “improve their skills” in Crimea.

In Kherson, teachers refused to teach according to the Russian program

In temporarily occupied Kherson, a local Gauleiter urges teachers to switch to teaching under the Russian program and” improve their skills “in the temporarily occupied Crimea. However, teachers do not cooperate with the invaders. This was stated by the head of the Kherson OVA Gennady Laguta at a briefing at the Media Center “Ukraine”.

According to him, in the enemy-occupied territories of the Kherson region, where there is no fighting, the Russians are trying to “improve life.”

Yesterday, in Kherson, Gauleiter held a “meeting” with teachers. School administration teachers are just heroes. Only 20 people came to listen to him, despite the fact that there are 71 schools in the city. Teachers are urged to prepare for training under the new program, to go to the Crimea for “advanced training”. In fact, all the directors said they were not happy and left, ”Laguta said.

In addition, he said that the situation in the Kherson region remains difficult, both morally and humanitarianly.

In particular, the Russian military does not agree at all to the opening of humanitarian corridors for the delivery of necessary goods. They are constantly shelling the already liberated territory, do not stop trying to reach the borders of the region.

Read also: Intelligence told about the plans of the occupiers in the Kherson region

Laguta stressed that the liberation of Kherson region will be ahead. According to him, such phenomena, including pressure on locals and similar “meetings”, will stop only when the invaders leave the region. to the Russian phone code +7 .

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Source: ZN

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