
In the ninth year of the war, Putin told children that Russia and the world “are changing for the better”

Putin did not mention the children who died from his missiles.

Putin told children in the ninth year of the war that Russia and the world are

The first congress of the “Russian Movement of Children and Youth” was held in Russia, which was attended by children not only from the Russian Federation, but also from the occupied territories. Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the participants of the congress, reports Kremlin. span>

“Great changes are happening today not only in Russia, the whole world is changing. I believe that these are changes for the better,” he said.

Putin, who ordered an attack on a neighboring country, told the children that he hopes that the adults and children of the Russian Federation, with their deeds, actions, determination and openness of intentions and principles, “will be able to make the world more just.”

By “justice” he meant the equality of peoples, the right of everyone to respect and observe their traditions, the possibility of maximum self-realization – all that he is trying to take away from the citizens of Ukraine and not only.

Read also: Russia deported about two million Ukrainian citizens, including many children – Zelenskyi of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine, more than 1,313 children have already been injured. 450 children died and more than 863 were injured of varying degrees of severity. In the list of deportees and forcibly relocated as of November there were more than 10.5 thousand children.

See special topic: Ukraine's parallel war against corruption will open the door to the West — Reuters Two wars are going on in Ukraine: with the aggression of the Russian Federation and with the post-Soviet corrupt past. Putin set Russia back 30 years – Times Meanwhile, the West continues to increase military support for our country. The expert explained. Putin does not want peace, but wants to buy time to resume the offensive – Stoltenberg The Secretary General said that NATO should continue to support Ukraine. Russian troops shelled two communities in the Sumy region: houses and electricity networks were damaged Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Source: ZN

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