
Kharkiv Region is preparing to receive immigrants – how to get housing and payments

In the fall, more people will be added, because critical infrastructure has been damaged in many settlements of Kharkiv region, Donetsk region, and Luhansk region.

preparing to receive displaced people – how to get housing and payments ” />

With the approaching heating season, preparations for a potential increase in the number of displaced persons have been intensified in Kharkiv Oblast. Among other things, we are talking about the Lozovsk community, reports the press service of the structure.

Currently, more than 8,000 displaced people are officially registered in this community, meanwhile they are creating a coordination council on issues of internally displaced persons, in addition to officials, it will also include displaced people.

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“It is predicted that more people will be added in the fall, because critical infrastructure has been damaged in many settlements of Kharkiv Oblast, Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast, so there may be problems with heating,” the message reads.< /p>

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“Among the main issues that need to be resolved: arrangement of places of temporary residence; preparation for the autumn-winter period; housing for displaced persons and its repair; humanitarian assistance to families in need; employment; education of children and creation of conditions for distance learning,” the department stated.

Earlier, we reported on who can receive subsidies for displaced persons and how to issue them.

It is also important to clarify that since July, migrants can receive social services and benefits without a passport.

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And this month, data appeared that the state will double payments for shelter for displaced persons. Ukrainians who volunteer to help their fellow citizens with housing will receive higher compensation for utilities.

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Source: ZN

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