
Missile attack on Ukraine took the lives of six people – National Police

Another 36 people were injured.

A missile attack on Ukraine killed six people - National Police

As a result of a massive missile attack that Russia carried out on the territory of Ukraine on November 23, 36 people were injured, six were killed. This was stated by the head of the National Police, Ihor Klymenko, during the National Telethon.

“In general, we have recorded the death of six of our citizens and 36 injuries in Ukraine. This applies only to the midday shelling of our country's territory by the enemy,” Klimenko is quoted as saying by “Ukrainian Pravda”.On November 23, Russia again launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine. Power outages are observed in Odesa, Lviv, Vinnytsia regions, Kyiv, Lutsk and other cities. There are problems with communication and water supply.

In addition, during the Russian missile attack the power units of the Southern Ukrainian and Khmelnytsky NPPs were stopped in an emergency.

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Also it was reported that a number of populated areas of Moldova remained without electricity, Deputy Prime Minister Andrii Spinu said. He connected the blackout with a massive Russian missile attack on the territory of Ukraine.

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Source: ZN

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