
Moldova will not provide military assistance to Ukraine – Prime Minister

According to Natalia Gavrilitsa, Moldova is helping Ukraine in the war in a different way.

 Moldova will not provide military assistance to Ukraine - Prime Minister

Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilitsa has stated that her country cannot provide military assistance to Ukraine, Interfax-Ukraine reports. She did not comment on the information that Moldova has refused to provide our country with six MiG-29 fighters that have remained in the country since the Soviet era.

“Moldova supports Ukraine and its citizens … in another way – by accepting refugees, providing humanitarian aid, complying with all international sanctions in the banking and financial sector,” Gavrilitsa said.

According to her, now in Moldova more than 90,000 refugees from Ukraine remain, and the country is providing them with all the necessary assistance.

“In terms of military assistance, these are countries that are much better equipped (military equipment) and developed, which have the economic and energy capacity to provide such assistance,” said the Prime Minister of Moldova.

At the same time, Gavrylytsia did not answer the journalist's direct question as to whether there was a request for the transfer of fighters from Kyiv.

balance of Moldova. But in Chisinau, according to media reports, refused.

Read also: Moldovan embassy resumes work in Kyiv

Earlier, the Moldovan parliament approved in the third and last reading a bill on responsibility for the use of symbols of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: “Z” , “V” and St. George's ribbon .

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Source: ZN

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