
More than 1,330 defenders of Ukraine have already returned from Russian captivity – Zelenskyi

However, there are more Ukrainians in Russian captivity than Russians in Ukrainian.

Over 1,330 defenders of Ukraine have already returned from Russian captivity - Zelenskyi

During the nine months of full-scale war, 1,331 defenders returned from Russian captivity to Ukraine, the president reported < strong>Volodymyr Zelensky during the evening address.

“I want to once again thank everyone who. works for the return of Ukrainians home. We will not leave any Ukrainian in Russian prisons, camps and “isolations”. We remember everyone. The day will come – congratulations on being free again,” Zelensky emphasized.

On December 2, the president will award awards to those released from Russian captivity and those who work to make new exchanges possible.

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Last week, several exchanges of prisoners took place at once. On November 23, 36 Ukrainians were freed from Russian captivity, on the 24th, 50 Ukrainian soldiers returned home, and on the 25th, nine more of our citizens returned home.

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The increase in the frequency of exchanges of analysts of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) is associatedwith the attempts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to justify its previous “indifference” to the fate of its soldiers.

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Source: ZN

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