
More than 160 cities in Russia have lost the status of “sister” cities in other countries

Dozens more cities are on the way to breaking off relations.

More than 160 cities of the Russian Federation have lost the status of

More than 160 Russian cities have lost the status of “twins” for cities more than 20 countries, reports Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine < span style = "font-weight: 400;">.

Decisions to terminate twinning agreements with Russian cities were made by cities in Australia , Austria, Great Britain, Denmark, Greece, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden and the Netherlands. Dozens more cities are on the verge of severing relations.

In addition, the Baltic Cities recently excluded the Russian cities of St. Petersburg and Gatchina from of its composition. Instead, the Ukrainian city of Vivnyansk was accepted as an associate member of the organization.

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To restore Ukraine after the war are going to increase the number of “brothers” among Ukrainian and European cities . Such an initiative of Ukraine has already been supported by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

Source: ZN

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