
More than a third of Kyiv residents switched to the Ukrainian language of communication during the war – survey

The Ukrainian-speaking environment pushes more and more Kyivans to switch to Ukrainian.

More than a third of Kyiv residents switched to the Ukrainian language of communication during the war - survey

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, 33.3% of Kyiv residents have switched to the Ukrainian language of communication. Such data of the survey, which was conducted for the first time in the “Kyiv Digital” application, were made public by the deputy head of the KMDA Hanna Starostenko.

It also became known that 47% communicate in Ukrainian at home, 44.4% with friends, and at work – 60.2%, and during training – 81.4%.

At the same time, 46.5% of respondents indicated that the main obstacle to switching to the Ukrainian language was habit. At the same time, 79.2% noted that the language of communication is greatly influenced by the Ukrainian-speaking environment.

Read also: The Language Ombudsman assessed the decision to ban the use of the Russian language in NaUKMA

“After the start of a full-scale war 86% of citizens consider Ukrainian to be their native language. However, not everyone has the necessary knowledge and habit to speak it freely,” Starostenko said, the press service of the city authorities informs.

In total, 67,212 citizens aged 14 to 65 and older took part in the survey, including 53% women and 47% men. Among the respondents, 86.3% consider the Ukrainian language to be their native language.

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It should be noted that the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology notes an increase in the proportion of respondents who speak mainly Ukrainian in their everyday life., and the corresponding decrease in the share of Russian speakers in Ukraine. Compared to 2017, the share of Ukrainian speakers increased by 8%, and the share of Russian speakers decreased by as much as 11%.

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Source: ZN

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