
New challenges of SAP, VAKS and NAKC: what anti-corruption bodies will face after the appointment of Kryvonos as director of NABU

According to Olena Shcherban, serious challenges are facing not only our anti-corruption bloc, but also international partners.

anti-corruption bodies after the appointment of Kryvonos as the director of NABU” alt=”New challenges of SAP, VAKS and NAZK: what the anti-corruption bodies will face after the appointment of Kryvonos as director of NABU” />

The competition for the NABU director had every chance of being successful. However, the appointment of Semyon Kryvonos to this position caused, rather, skepticism, fears and doubts. However, the anti-corruption bureau is not the only anti-corruption body in Ukraine that may face problems. What new challenges await SAP, VAKS and NAKC was explained by Olena Shcherban in the article “New director of NABU: did Bankova really “crack” the competition and how the Bureau will continue to work” for ZN. UA.

“The strengthening of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office is becoming even more urgent. After all, in case of problems in the work of the bureau, prosecutors are those procedural figures who can be a lifeline in such a situation,” Shcherban writes.

She recalled that the law enforcement committee of the parliament rejected draft law No. 8402, which provided for key principles of SAP reform. The author emphasized that the head of the anti-corruption prosecutor's office should be reliably protected from political removal from office for some disciplinary trifle, as it is now.

“Obviously, the authorities will resist strengthening the institutional independence of the SAP until the reform becomes a key demand of international partners. The latter, unlike many internal stakeholders, perfectly understand why the anti-corruption system should be independent. And that some of the results of her work due to this independence may not be liked by one or another part of society, which also leads to the need to protect her from outside influences,” Shcherban notes.

According to her, already understanding the weak cities of this long journey, it is necessary to rely on the support of international partners. At the same time, improving procedures and cutting off the influence of the human factor in this area as well.

“We should not forget about improving the criminal process, issues of the work of the High Anti-Corruption Court, which critically needs at least an increase in the number of judges. The NAZK, whose public trust has been shaken due to the agency's position regarding the odious law No. 5655, is currently undergoing a performance test,” the author writes.

So, as Shcherban points out, the challenges facing the anti-corruption bloc are very serious. As before international partners. Considering the fact that due to the war, more than 60% of Ukraine's budget is the funds of international partners, they, for their part, should also react if they see the slightest hint of illegal work of NABU.

“We really hope that the new director of the bureau Semyon Kryvonos perfectly understands how much the trust of international partners in us and their willingness to invest in the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war depends on his actions,” Shcherban concluded.

Read also: The CPC expert explained whether the new director will be able to reduce efficiency works of NABU

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Source: ZN

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