
Now the maximum escalation in the Kremin direction is Gaidai

The occupiers are trying to break through the defense of the Armed Forces.

“Now the maximum escalation is on the Kremin direction — Haidai” />

The maximum escalation is on the Kremin direction in the Luhansk region. The occupiers are trying to break through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said the head of OVA, Serhiy Gaidai.

“If we take the Swativ-Kremin direction and Bilogorivka, then probably the Kremin direction is now experiencing the maximum escalation, the maximum number of shelling and attempts to break through our Defense Forces. These are practically daily attacks (Russian Federation troops – ed.), in small groups, up to a platoon, but in constant waves. Sometimes this happens with the help of heavy equipment,” Gaidai noted on Facebook.

According to him, Russian troops are advancing in Bilogorivka, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine repel all attacks.

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The head of the Luhansk Oblast, Serhiy Gaidai, believes that the Russians can launch a new offensive in the Luhansk region at any time after February 15. He noted that the occupying forces are withdrawing more and more reserves in this direction.

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Source: ZN

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