
Our nation is doomed to become another Soviet Union – Trump

The former US president promises to raise America from its knees.

Our nation doomed to become another Soviet Union - Trump

Former US President Donald Trump, who recently announced new presidential ambitions, believes that the United States risks repeating the fate of the Soviet Union.

Speaking at the America First Policy Institute, Trump said that the main threat to America now comes from within.

“The United States is brought to its knees and subjected to one humiliation after another. Our country has to face one historical humiliation after another on the world stage, and at home our basic rights and freedoms are under siege,” the politician claimed.

According to Trump, the endless “humiliation of America” ​​will not end, because the biggest threat remains “unhealthy and evil people inside the country”. Pelosi. The former president compared himself to the savior of America, promising to continue his political career.

Trump claims that during his presidency, the United States dominated the issue of energy resources, gasoline prices and inflation were low, and the state was respected in the world.

“I am doing this for America. Because if I don't, our nation is doomed to become another Venezuela or another Soviet Union. We are moving in this direction. Or to turn into Cuba on a very large scale, where all is lost and there is no hope (for the best),” he added.

Also read: NYT: Biden and Trump will have a hard time winning the White House in 2024 year, maybe someone else will do it. They showed that current President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump are equally unpopular.

Trump's return to the Oval Office does not bode well for Ukraine. Support for Ukraine from Republicans in the USA is gradually weakening. At the same time, Trump is on the other side – he is pro-Russian, reminds philosopher and political scientist Francis Fukuyama.

Source: ZN

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