
Physicians and volunteers of the PDSMH will be able to use the sanatorium in Pushcha-Vodytsia free of charge

Viktor and Olena Pinchuk continue to provide systematic assistance on the medical front.

Doctors and volunteers of the PDSMH will be able to use the sanatorium in Pushcha-Vodytsia for free” />

Doctors and volunteers of the First Voluntary Mobile Hospital named after Mykola Pirogov will be able to use the sanatorium in Pushcha-Vodytsa in the Kyiv region for accommodation and training of volunteer doctors.

“The Viktor Pinchuk Foundation, as part of humanitarian aid, rented the premises and territory of the sanatorium in Pushcha-Vodytsa, Kyiv region, for accommodation and training of volunteer doctors of the First Voluntary Mobile Hospital named after Pirogov (PDMSH),” the message says.

Since the first day of the war, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and the Elena Pinchuk Foundation have been systematically implementing various aid projects for Ukraine in order to speed up the approach of victory in the war with Russia. More than 35 million dollars have already been allocated to these projects.

As part of humanitarian assistance, the Foundation rented the premises and territory of the sanatorium. Recently renovated, comfortable rooms with all amenities can accommodate up to 90 medical volunteers and volunteers, a large area will allow for education and training, storage of medical drugs and parking for 30 cars.

At the same time, the building and the territory, which belong to Viktor and Olena Pinchuk, and served as the base of the PDMSH since the first days of the Russian invasion, are being transferred by the owners for the needs of other humanitarian projects.

Read also: Volunteers and lawyers submitted data on the war crimes of the Russian Federation in Ukraine to the OSCE

Since the beginning of Russia's invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the Viktor and Elena Pinchuk Foundations have been conducting large-scale work in various directions of humanitarian projects throughout the country.

On June 28, through the Christies auction house, Jeff Koons sculpture Balloon Monkey (Magenta was sold) – “Balloon monkey (purple)”, presented by Viktor and Olena Pinchuka. All proceeds in the amount of about $11.5 million will be sent to humanitarian aid to Ukraine. In particular, for seriously injured military and civilians who need urgent prosthetics, treatment and rehabilitation.

In total, from the first days of the war, 10 modern armored “ambulances” were handed over to the medical sector alone for evacuating the wounded from shelling and 50+ thousand tactical first-aid kits with tourniquets, celox and bandages. 77+ thousand tourniquets, 32+ thousand bandages, 2.5 thousand fully equipped tactical first-aid kits and 170 resuscitation backpacks were given to paramedics separately. 46 hospitals in 17 cities of Ukraine received modern life-saving equipment, as well as medicines and medical consumables. Transport incubators were purchased for the hospitals of Sumy, Zaporizhzhya, Mykolaiv and Kharkiv regions for the evacuation of newborns in critical condition. Hospitals in Okhtyrka and Chernihiv are equipped with autonomous generators.

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Source: ZN

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