
Podolyak told why Russia is actually negotiating

Why any truce can become the basis for the defeat of Ukraine.

negotiations in reality” />

Russia does not need real peace talks and the signing of some stable document, but only an operational pause to restore troops and increase combat readiness. Therefore, Ukraine will categorically not agree to any truce under the condition of the presence of Russian troops on its territory, Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of the president's office, said in an interview with “BBC Ukraine”.

“Russia believed that it would enter, and in three, five, seven days everyone would be on their knees. Therefore, today Russia wants to modernize its military strategy. Accumulate additional shells, missiles. Given the fact that sanctions still work, microchips, which they do not have enough of, must be found somewhere. They want to accumulate the money they receive for energy carriers. All this takes time. And that's why they need negotiations,” he said.

Podolyak emphasized that such agreements are of no use to Ukraine, because such a “Minsk-3” or “Istanbul-1” will not bring results.


“They will say: 'Let's start negotiations. We will stop shelling the territories for a certain time.' Then they will continue: “We took certain territories from you. Administrations have been created there – you can call them occupation, but they are ours. We control everything there. We will not give you these territories. Therefore, let's recognize all this as lost.” We will listen to it and say: “No, we do not agree”.

And then a banal story will take place. The ceasefire (for the duration of the negotiations) will be replaced by a counterattack by Ukraine. We will inflict powerful blows on the Russian armed forces. Russia will start shelling our cities again, but at the same time in Europe, through the mouth of the same Schroeder and dozens of other people, they will start saying: “Look, we have already finished the war, we have already stopped shelling the territory of Ukraine, we sat down at the negotiating table and practically agreed about peace, and Ukraine went to war again. Why should you support the aggressor?”, he laid out the Russian strategy on the shelves.

Podolyak noted that this is not his imagination, but the public position of the Kremlin, which he constantly repeats, saying that the terms of the ceasefire are known: recognize Russia's territorial claims.

A representative of the president's office noted that currently there are practically no channels of communication between Bankova and the Kremlin, there are only negotiations on the exchange of bodies of the dead and the exchange of prisoners.

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On May 17, the Ukrainian side confirmedthe suspension of negotiations with Russia regarding a peaceful settlement. According to OP advisor Mykhailo Podolyak, there are three reasons for this:Moscow does not demonstrate an understanding of today's processes in the world, does not realize that in any sense the war is no longer according to its rules, schedule or plans, and also cannot refuse to inflate the domestic market. .


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Source: ZN

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