
Poetry of the Ukrainian Front: Ivan Franko Theater in Kyiv presented a project based on military texts

You can follow the project on the theater's YouTube channel.

  • Oleg Vergelis


  • Oleg Vergelis Editor of the Department of Culture ZN.UA (1996-2019)

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Poetry of the Ukrainian Front: Ivan Theater of Kyiv: Ivan Theater Franka presented a project based on military texts

This week on the YouTube channel of the Ivan Franko National Theater in Kyiv launched an art project “Poetry of the Unbreakable”: famous actors of the theater, including Ostap Stupka, Alexei Bogdanovich, Eugene Nyschuk, Andrew Romany, Alexander Pecheritsa, Irina Doroshenko, Vitaly Azhnov, Tatiana , Oleksandr Formanchuk, Ksenia Basha, Maryna Koshkina and others, offer their authorial interpretation of the best contemporary Ukrainian poetic texts born of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Oleksandr Irvanets, Yuriy Izdryk, Ihor Astapenko, Kateryna Kalytko, Maryana Savka, Vitaliy Bilozir, Elizaveta Zharikova, Yuriy Rybchynskyi, Lyubov Yakymchuk, Svitlana Didukh-Romanenko, and others.

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The author of the idea and moderator of the project “Poetry of the Unbreakable” – Ivan Urivsky, Honored Artist of Ukraine, director of the Ivan Franko Theater.

In the comment ZN.UA Uryvsky says: “Modern Ukrainian poetry, born on the current Ukrainian front, sincerely impresses with its bare nerves, high tragedy, beautiful and sincere imagery. Therefore, in fact, it was not so easy to choose the best, most valuable texts for our project. Later, as it turned out, the Frankivsk actors themselves closely followed the publications of modern Ukrainian military poetry on the Internet and, mostly, the actors themselves chose the poetic texts that impressed them the most and sang with their mood and worldview. “Poetry of the Unbreakable” – – a project not author's, but collective, collegial. During the month I was in constant contact with our actors, with the artistic director of the theater Mikhail Zakharevich, with the main director of our theater Dmitry Bogomazov (artistic director of “Poetry of the Unbreakable”), discussing details and format of the future project: from its name, content to features acting performance of the best poetry. And in this sense, I want to thank our actors from Frankivsk and Ukrainian poets who engraved in their texts this tragic time of the Russian-Ukrainian war: a war that turns the world and consciousness and leads to a confident victory of Ukraine over the sworn enemy. “

The official partner of the Frankivsk project “Poetry of the Unbreakable” is the State Agency of Ukraine for Arts and Art Education (head of the Agency – Halyna Hryhorenko).

The Ivan Franko National Theater in Kyiv hopes that soon, in the victorious peace of Ukraine, the project “Poetry of the Unbreakable” will be able to change its format: from online to offline, when the Frankivsk Poetry Theater will be able to meet on the Serhiy Danchenko Chamber Stage. actors, poets, journalists and fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (to whom the best Ukrainian poetic texts about the current war are dedicated).

Currently, the project “Poetry of the Unbreakable” can be followed on the YouTube channel of the Franko Theater and on social networks of the Kyiv National Theater.

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Source: ZN

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